Council Comment - 15 November 2021
15 November 2021

The Stafford Street Water Tower Mural is well and truly taking shape. Let us hope that Artist Bastian Allfrey stops getting wet from these storms we keep getting. The official unveiling has been now set for 4.45pm for 5.00pm Thursday 2nd December 2021, so come down to Saunders Park, corner of Stafford and Dubbo Streets, Warren that afternoon.
The Warren Public Arts Committee is now busy analysing all the public feedback and ideas received for the Public Art on Private Property Murals Project and the Nevertire Water Reservoir Mural. The proposed themes and ideas are expected to be reported to Council’s 2nd December 2021 Meeting.
This week Council’s Town Services Branch will be assessing the condition of water valves throughout Warren and Nevertire using a special machine that determines the operating condition of each valve. This information will be used to plan valve maintenance and replacements over the coming years.
The public exhibition period for the Carter Oval Youth Sports Precinct including Warren War Memorial Swimming Pool Draft Masterplan has now closed. It is expected that the feedback received will be considered by the Sports Facilities Committee and the final changes made if required for Council to adopt the finalised or amended Masterplan at its Meeting on the 2nd December 2021.
The Warren Sewerage Treatment Plant Construction Project has now reached practical completion and the Environmental Protection Licence is with the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) for final approval. Council is hoping to be able to transfer over to the new Plant before Christmas 2021. Demolition work will then start on the old facilities in early 2022.
The wet weather has not been affecting our road construction and maintenance work too much with the construction works on Old Warren Road and Ellengerah Road going full steam ahead. There has been a lot of grass cutting and slashing needing to be done and the Town Services Crews were busy making Warren look good for the Cotton Cup and the Remembrance Day Service.
Please join us for the official opening of the construction of the Warren Shire Community Room and refurbishment of the Administration Centre on Thursday, 2nd December 2021 for a 3.30pm for 4.00pm start at 115 Dubbo Street, Warren. An Afternoon Tea will follow the opening so please RSVP to Ange Tegart on 0268476600 or by close of business Monday, 22nd November 2021.
It is expected that the Warren Chamber of Commerce/Warren Shire Council Christmas Tree will be installed in front of the Community Room in Dubbo Street on Friday 19th November 2021. Santa will then be secretly supervising the tree from the new facilities. The Council Christmas star decorations will also start to be distributed to Warren businesses this week for display in their windows. The Christmas cheer will be started.
Don’t forget to start dusting off those old Christmas decorations, with the Santa Street competition on again. The judging of Santa Street will be undertaken anytime from Friday, 17th December 2021 to Sunday, 19th December 2021. I hope you are talking to you neighbours and get your decorations and light show ready. Which streets will start to put the pressure on Deacon Drive this year?
This Council’s final Council Meeting is going to be on Thursday 2nd December 2021 commencing at 2.00pm on the day. You need to note this change of normal start time.
Gary Woodman
General Manager