$841,500 Stimulus for Warren Showground Racecourse
15 July 2021

The NSW Government will provide $841,500 for upgrades to the Warren Showground in the latest round of the COVID-19 showground stimulus program.
NSW Upper House MP, Sam Farraway said the latest allocation is part of $16.7 million being distributed statewide.
$841,500 for Warren Showground to re-fence the perimeter, re-level all concrete and asphalt floors, replace toilets in the cattleman’s and horse sports camping area, renovate men’s toilets in the main pavilion and toilets in the centre arena, install a new septic tank for the main pavilion toilets and a new septic tank with grease trap for the canteen waste in the centre arena.
“Local showgrounds are multi-use facilities used for a variety of activities such as agricultural shows, rodeos and horse clubs, markets, festivals, men’s sheds, sport and recreation, and caravanning and camping,” Mr Farraway said.
“During bushfires and floods, many also serve as emergency centres for residents, animals, firefighters and other support services, so we want them in good shape.”
Minister for Water, Property and Housing Melinda Pavey said a total of $72.47 million had now been allocated to 892 projects at 189 showgrounds, after five rounds of the stimulus program.
“In this latest round, $16.7 million has been provided for 97 projects at 46 showgrounds in NSW,” Mrs Pavey said.
“The projects include the rebuilding of grandstands, pavilions, arenas and stables, and the upgrading of kitchen and amenities blocks, lighting and electrical systems, water and sewerage networks, and roads.
“These investments will ensure showgrounds can continue to serve their communities for many years to come, while building a stronger and safer regional NSW.
“Showground upgrades improve the quality of community infrastructure while stimulating local economies, with work for tradies and materials suppliers.”
Image credit: Steven Christian